Mendix at the modern, data-driven land Registry

Qualogy’s Senior Mendix consultant Nils Klatter is working at the Kadaster to modernize a field application for surveyors. The outdated on-premise Windows application is being replaced by a future-proof Mendix cloud application. Read his story.

Qualogy’s Senior Mendix consultant Nils Klatter is working at the Kadaster to modernize a field application for surveyors. The outdated on-premise Windows application is being replaced by a future-proof Mendix cloud application. Read his story.

The Land Registry registers and manages who has what rights to all the real estate (land and buildings) in the Netherlands. This data is available to everyone. Nils: “I work on applications that I can also become a user of myself. That makes it extra fun.”

Modern, data-driven organization
IT professionals quickly feel at home at the Kadaster. Nils: “You might not immediately think of the Kadaster. But it’s a very modern, data-driven organization with an open culture. Mendix fits well with this type of organization, where the business understands the importance of IT. The users also know how to find us well. Since 2017, 25 Mendix applications have been delivered. Every quarter, 1 or 2 applications are added.”

The Mendix team
Nils works together with 4 Mendix professionals in a DevOps team on the (continued) development of Mendix applications. “We always do this in pairs. That way we guarantee knowledge transfer within the team. There is a scrum master, and of course architects, product owners, the management team and the business are involved in the development. I am currently working on the relay management application.”

Relay management application
Surveyors at the Land Registry establish boundaries. A relay consists of a site sketch with the surveyors’ data. Nils: “The relay management application is the field application for the surveyors. The current outdated Windows application runs on-premises on end-of-life tablets. We are rebuilding the old application as a modern cloud application in Mendix. This also paves the way for further development.”

From intake to management
As a Mendix consultant, you have direct contact with the users of the application. Nils: “I am involved from intake to management. At the weekly demos, we present the delivered processes to the users. In this way, the key users see the application grow. This ensures involvement in the development, and feedback we can immediately take into account.”

Further development of the application
The test phase of the new application has just started with 20 surveyors. Nils: “An exciting moment. At the same time, there are still plenty of development wishes on the list, such as:

  • making the application available offline.
  • saving notes in pdf format.
  • build links between the relay management application and other applications, for less administration.
  • facilitating the implementation of modifications.

Improve quality control
One of the biggest pluses of the new application is an improvement in quality control. Nils: “After entering a narrative, a content quality control is performed by a team. Subject matter assistants then look at all geo-related issues. In the previous application, everyone worked in the same note field. Now everyone has their own place in the application. Shadow IT is a thing of the past as a result.”

Learn more
Would you like more information about what Mendix can do for your organization? Please contact us at 070 319 5000.

“I work on applications that I can also become a user of myself. That makes it extra fun.”

Nils Klatter

Qualogy’s Senior Mendix consultant


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